ABWA Greenspoint Chapter
A League of the American Business Women's Association

The vision of ABWA Greenspoint Chapter is to benefit our members through monthly networking along with professional development and to promote their career success through continuing education, recognition and leadership in the North Houston and Greater Houston communities.
Join us at our next Chapter Meeting!
COVID-19 Funding Options for
the Self-Employed &
Microbusiness Owners
Speaker: Tiffany Wright
The Resourceful CEO
Wednesday, March 17
11:15 am Networking/Log On
11:30 am Program
In-Person/ONLINE via Zoom!
Our Lady of the Lake University
600 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. W.
Houston, TX 77067
This is a prepaid event.
Register at www.abwa-greenspoint.org
$10 Members/Non-Members
$5 Students
Virtual link will be emailed on
March 16th!
ABWA Greenspoint Chapter welcomes persons who are interested in developing their professional skills, networking with others and being a part of an organization dedicated to the advancement of women in business.
Check out our national membership brochure here or contact or membership chairperson at ABWA-gp_MembershipChair@outlook.com.
Our next meeting is
October 21, 2020
This website and the links are best viewed with Google Chrome. Please use this browser if you experience any difficulties.
ABWA Greenspoint Chapter
16945 Northchase Drive, Suite 1900
Houston, TX 77060